Celebrating Native American Heritage Month 2023

November 1st marks the beginning of Native American Heritage Month, a time dedicated to honoring and celebrating the rich cultures, traditions, and contributions of indigenous peoples.

In this blog, we'll discuss ways to commemorate this special month, including supporting indigenous-owned businesses and visiting educational museums that offer insight into the profound history and culture of Native American communities. Join us in taking steps toward cultural awareness, appreciation, and empowerment during this enlightening month, and all year round.

Support Local Native American-Owned Businesses 

Supporting Native American-owned businesses in your local community is a powerful way to foster diversity, preserve cultural heritage, and empower indigenous entrepreneurs. By choosing to shop at these businesses, you're not only accessing unique, handcrafted products and services but also directly contributing to the economic prosperity of Native American communities. Find recommendations in your local city through online research and contacting a regional council or special interest group focusing on Native American affairs. 

Business Spotlight - Owamni

If you are or will be in the area, we recommend making a visit to the Minneapolis restaurant, Owamni. Founded by chef Sean Sherman, their mission is focused on serving decolonized food made with ingredients sourced from indigenous producers. With seasonal menus, Owamni offers truly authentic North American cuisine with modern elements that honor traditional methods. 

Visit An Educational Exhibit  

There are many museums throughout the United States offering exhibits featuring the art, history, and cultures of Native Americans. We recommend visiting places such as The Museum of Fine Arts Boston, featuring an exhibit of Native North American Art, The National Museum of the American Indian within the Smithsonian, and The First Americans Museum. These institutions provide rich insight and highlight the essential history of Native Americans and their impact on the country. 

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Remember to support your local Native American communities this month and throughout the year. If you are interested in including indigenous-owned businesses and educational opportunities in an upcoming adventure, let us know in your Pre-Trip Survey and our planners will diligently research and curate an experience to fulfill those wishes. 


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